Climate policy in Belgium

This page gives an overview of the relevant national plans, objectives, devolution of competencies and the topics that each public body is responsible for.

Delegation of authorities

In Belgium, the Federal State, the Communities and the Regions are all equal from a legal point of view. Climate and energy policy is both vested at the Federal and Regional levels. In the table to the left, the devolution of authorities is explained. The table to the right consists of inter-federal coordination fora.

Delegation of authorities


Federal State



  • Coordination of international climate policy
  • Product policy (like product norms)
  • Maritime environment
  • Air and soil protection
  • Nature conservation and protection
  • Protection of water distribution


Policy terrains whose technical and economic indivisibility require equal treatment at the national level

  • Studies on the future of energy
  • Nuclear fuel cycle
  • Energy production, including offshore energy
  • Infrastructure for the supply and storage of energy
  • Energy transport
  • Final consumer prices for energy
  • Energy efficiency for federal buildings
  • Aspects of fiscality (like VAT)

  • Distribution of local transport of electricity through networks with a nominal voltage rating of less than or equal to 70.000 volt
  • Gas and electricity distribution tariffs.
  • Public distribution of gas
  • Use of mine and blast furnace gas
  • Networks for the distribution of warmth
  • Valorisation of spoil tips
  • New energy sources, except nuclear energy
  • Energy recovery of industries and other users
  • Rational energy usage


  • National airports and railways
  • Duties on fuels
  • Technical norms for vehicles
  • Highways, navigable waterways, ports and regional airports
  • Public transport and school transportation
  • Taxes on vehicles

Inter-federal coordination fora

Coordination committee International Environment policy

The coordination committee, consisting of representatives of the federal state and the three regions, ensures that Belgium can speak with one voice at international meetings. The committee not only organises meetings but also prepares agenda items for consultations, sees to the collection of data for answering questions from international organisations and gives advice upon request to ministers or state secretaries represented in the committee.



Coordination platform for energy policy that consists of a variety of permanent and temporary thematic working groups for national, European and international policy programmes. ENOVER has a dedicated working group for the coordination of the National Energy and Climate Plan.

national climate commission Belgium.png

National climate commission

The National Climate Commission is the central coordinating body for national climate policy. The Commission is in charge of drafting and following up the National Energy and Climate Plan and implementing international and European reporting obligations. The representation of the Commission consists of representatives of the federal state and the three regions.

National plans and objectives

  1. National energy and climate plan 2021-2030

    • 35% reduction of GHG emissions in 2030 compared to 2005 for the non-ETS sector
    • Increase share of renewable energy to 17,5% of the final energy use
  2. Interfederal energy pact (2017)

    • Outlines the ambitions for the Belgian energy system in 2050
    • Guidelines for a coherent strategy in the medium and long term
  3. National climate change adaptation strategy

    • National plan to adjust to expected climate change effects

Climate websites

Regional climate plans


  1. Climate decree

    • A decrease of 80-95% of GHG emissions in 2050 compared to 1990
  2. Air, Climate and Energy plan

    • The Climate decree stipulates that every five years a new 'air, climate and energy plan' is to be published containing all the necessary measures to comply with the emissions budgets
  3. Resolution for the implementation of a Walloon climate policy

    • This resolution shows the willingness to develop a long-term climate vision
    • Requests the Federal Government to implement an ambitious climate policy
    • Requests the Federal Government to develop a strategy for renewable and sustainable energy to reach a 95% reduction of GHG emissions compared to 1990


  1. Energy and climate plan 2021-2030

    • Reduction of 35% of BKG emissions in 2030 compared to 2005
    • Energy savings of 84.062 TWh
    • Renewable energy of 2.512 GWh in 2030
  2. Local energy- and climate pact

    • Carbon neutral in 2050
    • A pact between the Flanders government and cities and municipalities
    • Establishment of a Climate Network for Flemish cities.


  1. Brussels climate ordination

    • Carbon neutral in 2050
    • Reduce GHG emissions by 40% in 2030, 67% in 2040 and 90% in 2050, compared to 2005
    • Creation of an independent 'committee of climate experts' who have to evaluate the coordination between the regional policy initiatives, measures and objectives. The findings of the evaluation as well as their advice are written down in a report for the regional government
  2. Energy and climate plan 2030

    • A 40% reduction of GHG emissions in the non-ETS sector