Sustainable mobility

Make participation as accessible as possible


The Benelux stimulates sustainable mobility by investigating the possibilities of dynamic charging of zero-emissions transport lorries. This concerns dynamic charging on the move by an overhead line or through induction in the road surface. By promoting dynamic charging, the Benelux not only aims to reduce GHG emissions but also to reduce battery sizes.


Furthermore, the Benelux countries to reach a consensus on the role of infrastructure for alternative fuels, in particular for cross-border aspects. Ways to develop carbon-neutral fuels (biofuels, batteries and hydrogen) for freight transport (by land and water) by use of stimulants and technologies are being explored.

The Benelux bike declaration

In July 2020, the Benelux countries signed a political declaration aimed at extensive (cross-border) cooperation on cycling.

In 2024, a roadmap bicycle stimulation was developped. It looks into concrete actions and joint projects to stimulate bicycles using the key opportunities of urban logistics, bicycle legislation, and EU projects. Another aim is to navigate ways to bring cycling policy to the attention of the greater public


The Benelux contributes to making sustainable mobility accessible to everyone. It tries to reach this goal by researching dynamic charging, facilitating discussions on alternative fuel sources and coming up with creative ways to stimulate the use of carbon-neutral fuels.


One way, that the Benelux is actively contributing to the use of carbon-neutral transportation is by administering a common Benelux service for the registration of Mobility Service Providers and Charge Point Operators to facilitate international billing and data exchange, and to be able to find charging stations.