Khattabi Zakia, Minister of Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and the Green Deal of the Federal Government of Belgium posted on LinkedIn the confirmation of the approved Federal Energy and Climate Plan by the Council of Ministers.

In the message, Zakia states:

"The Federal Energy and Climate Plan 2021–2030, which my colleague Tinne Van der Straeten and me introduced, was approved by the Council of Ministers this morning, 24 hours after the publication of the European Union's Copernicus report. This report, just like the IPCC report, notes that climate change has had extreme consequences in Europe in 2022 (heat waves, droughts, and fires), and that these have now become the norm.
This 200-page draft is the result of a lengthy process involving all colleagues involved in federal energy and climate policy. All of the information about their actions and policies was up-to-date in the context of the climate governance that I started. I am very pleased that this plan now clearly integrates the concept of just transition as a transversal policy aspect.
I would like to thank the administrations and my team for meeting the deadline so that the draft plan can be submitted to the European Commission on time. We will be able to take their comments into account and land with a final plan in June 2024."

Link to message: